Sita Leila
Sita Leila has a lifetime experience that she brings to whom ever she meets guiding heart centred confidence to freedom.
Whether it’s a healing, Life reading or some counselling she brings compassion, empathy and presence.
As a reader/councillor she holds space, and clarity.
Seeing the truth supporting you to see the hurdles and resistances, with a helpful, gentle guiding hand she helps you to experience your own ‘aha’ moment, your own illumination.
What arises in this journey that is taken is for you.
She is passionate to walk the path of compassion, truth, clarity and love.
Sita connects with relevant guides and Angels, connecting to the different centres in the body it becomes clear where the blocked imbalances are. Through healing power of the hands being laid on the body and head energy is exchanged and balanced. Essential oils are also used.
Spiritual counselling
My interest is to assist the pulling back of an etheric veil that has been in place, directing attention toward a different path than the one the person finds themselves on currently.
It is a branch of Life coaching, instead of the focus being on career, it’s on the unfolding conversation about where your deeper self knows it needs to follow. I assist that internal conversation to come to awareness.
Utilising Taro and psychic capacity there is a looking at what is stuck in the life pattern to move forward. These readings are more healing than predictive. Having said that when it is needed that too happens.
Chakra Balancing
Using a pendulum to determine which of the seven main chakras are blocked or flowing, I utilise crystals, essential oils and touch to bring balance to the body.
All sessions can be 30 to 90 minutes
Contact ; 0432 594 394
Open Heartedly adding positive content to the world with ease and grace